Here is a sample of what some of our members say:
"Over the many years that I have worked in financial planning, I have seen countless programs that only dealt with limited aspects of the business. Many of these programs focused solely on sales, practice management or technical issues of portfolio management. Therefore, I had my initial doubts when I first considered Deborah's training program.
However, my doubts soon vanished as I quickly discovered that Deborah’s program was delivering me the full package. This package not only detailed technical delivery of services, but also covered approaches to building relationships with clients, and practice management. Deborah thoughtfully presents her services in an extremely effective and logical way; and it was nice to see that Deborah uses all the components in her own practice.
I do not hesitate to say that the value of the business I have developed has far exceeded the investment I have made in Deborah's training. It is clear that Deborah’s personal coaching is helping me move forward in building my dream practice. This is a program for anyone desiring to build a systematized comprehensive fee-based financial planning practice, and looking to do so for the greatest return on investment of your time and money."
–Josh Y., CPA, CFP, PFS Mercer Island, WA
"I want to thank you for the personalized service you have given me throughout our relationship. Your flexibility has been greatly appreciated. I would highly recommend the Fox Financial Planning Network to both beginning and seasoned practitioners.
Having such an organized, complete, and thorough Workflow System and documentation process “delivered on a silver platter” has been great!
Your commitment to continually adding value with new resources is also appreciated.
As an independent RIA, the compliance protection of such strong documentation is a real added bonus."
Ann D., CFP, AIF, Franklin, TN
“The Fox Financial Planning program presents a different sequence of the financial planning process for fee based clients. In the fee based financial planning process I had used previously, we conducted fact finding with the client, created the plan document, then implemented. In the Fox process, you implement each section prior to presenting the plan document. There are extensive documents provided to assist you in this process. That’s one of the reasons I enrolled in this program – the ability to have access to this material is an incredible time saver! In addition, Deborah has researched various technology/software systems and made recommendations in those areas; which I can basically then implement. She has also provided a detailed workflow process; which is also incredibly valuable and I am immediately able to utilize.
This program basically provides a ‘turn key’ process for fee based financial planning, with personal coaching to assist you in issues pertinent to your practice.”–Carol S.
Denver, CO
“I recently finished the training course that Deborah Fox gave on how to provide advanced financial planning to clients. I thought the information was presented very well, in a format that was easy to follow. Not only did she tell me what I need to say to my clients and potential clients, she explained how to present the material and in which order it should be presented. I especially liked the fact that all of the documents, examples, forms and everything that I need to present to my clients was made available to me. I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but now that I have been through the whole process, I can see how this level of planning is so different from anything any other planners or advisors out there are offering. By following the steps that Deborah has laid out, I feel that I can really set myself apart and attract more of the type of clients that I really want to advise. For someone who is looking to take their practice to the next level, I would heartily recommend this training.”–Michael J.
Midlothian, Virginia
“I am enjoying the privilege of being in the program developed by Deborah Fox for the Fox Financial Planning Network™. The value of the information I have obtained to date far surpasses that of any other coaching program I have attended. I have been through most of them: CEG, Value Based Selling, Oechsli Rainmaker, and several others. The difference is that Deborah is currently practicing in the industry; the other programs are presented by researchers or advisers who are no longer active in financial services and thus no longer helping clients navigate the current economy and markets. As a result, her program is timely and “cutting edge.” Deborah provides all of the tools and training necessary to enable us to take our practices to the next level, everything she uses to build the successful practice she has crafted over the years. We are able to begin implementing her recommendations right away and thus begin to see an immediate financial benefit from our investment in her program. Deborah adds tremendous value to her participants. I am excited to be a part of the Fox Financial Planning Network!”–Lauren G., Buffallo,
New York
"Many CPA firms get discouraged with trying to add personal financial planning services because the additional outlay of both time and capital to make it happen are typically huge. But that is no longer the case. Fox Financial Planning Network for CPAs provides a shortcut to make financial planning another profit area for your firm. The program instructs you on how to set up (or improve) your PFP services and incorporate the excellent resources available through the PFP Section. Instead of you wasting months or years of your time trying to develop your own processes and materials, this program will deliver most everything you need to get up and running - in the way you choose. Fox Financial Planning Network is the solution to getting systems in place and bringing in new revenues as quickly as possible. If you have wanted to add PFP services (or you already offer them but aren't as organized as you should be), you simply must take a look at this offering. This is a game changer for CPAs and it will save you a fortune!"
Sidney Kess, Esq., CPA, J.D., LL.M., AEP® Distinguished, recipient of the AICPA’s prestigious Gold Medal Award in 2011, nationally renowned tax expert, editor, lecturer and author/coauthor of hundreds of tax books on financial and estate planning.
Deborah Fox’s Financial Planning Network is a program that any advisor regardless of their experience level will find tremendously valuable. For me – the program is exactly what I needed on several fronts.
First, because I focus on the defined contribution market as my primary niche, I needed to find a way to incorporate financial planning without disrupting my current business model. Deborah is such a good marketer and coach; she (with my input) was able to develop a game plan for expanding my planning practice while continuing to grow my 401(k) business.
Second, I needed to put a system in place for me and my staff. As an advisor, my days sometimes control me, and I am bad about letting my day and my client’s service needs takeover my day. I am one that needs a system, and Deborah and her team have it. She is teaching me how to control my day and my meetings. She is also helping me to determine what I need to do and what I need to delegate to my staff.
Third, the program is designed to be very cost effective and interactive. By that, I mean it is done over the web with others in the same or similar situations. All of the advisors are able to interact and gain experiences vicariously from one another.
All and all I think it is a great program that benefits the advisor, but more importantly it will benefit the advisor’s clients.–Scott D., Amarillo,
“Deborah’s network and training has been a great benefit for my business. She has provided the tools, templates, workflows and motivation to systematize my financial planning practice. The training program has allowed me to charge higher fees and provide greater service to my existing clients as well as providing a more marketable and tangible system for future clients. Plus I was able to go right to work. I was able to use this system with a client eight weeks after the first training session. This training will save me literally hundreds of hours of trying to reinvent the wheel. I appreciate Deborah taking the time to share her systems and experience.”–Brad B., CFP, Greenfield,
“I have been very impressed with Deborah’s Fox Financial Planning Network Program. Using her system will be a huge boost to my financial planning practice. Deborah’s step by step instruction is easy to understand and implement immediately into my practice.”–Jim E., CLU, ChFC, Dallas,