What Will You Learn from The Network?
- The difference between true comprehensive planning/wealth management advice versus just investment management with a sprinkling of other advice, and how you can differentiate yourself from any other service in the marketplace.
- How to implement a systematized, highly valuable comprehensive service for your clients that is also profitable for you. You will be taught how to set up your practice with a recurring combination of fee income that will enable you to work with a smaller number of ideal clients. That means more time available to spend with each client!
- How to work with a client using a documented, step-by-step process from start to finish. You will receive suggestions on how to work with a client for the first year of service as well as how to specifically conduct review meetings in subsequent years. You then customize the processes to how you would like to implement them in your own practice.
- The six main topics to cover with each financial planning client and specifically how to deliver each meeting (videos, scripts and visual aids included!) This information includes net worth and spending plan, contingency planning, estate planning, investment planning, financial independence planning, medicare, social security and “personal paradise” planning.
- How to incorporate money values and attitudes into the planning process. You will be given 6 specific exercises (which includes written materials) you can conduct with your clients that will greatly enhance their overall planning experience. These exercises alone will set you apart from any other advisor in your area!
- How to manage client expectations on the front end so both you and your clients achieve the desired outcome. Do this and you will likely create many happy clients.
- Instructions on how to position yourself as the “head coach” of your client’s financial planning process and learn how to decide which type of advice you will personally provide and which advice you will outsource to “assistant coaches.”
- How to set up your office to create the ideal environment to provide services to your clients.
- How to set up and manage your appointment schedule to be professional and efficient.
- Exactly what tasks to delegate to a support person to keep you most productive and profitable.
- How to convert your practice to a paperless office where you can work from anywhere in the world over an internet connection.
- How to effectively and efficiently track and document every step of planning that you do with each client. This keeps you organized AND compliant!
- Templates, tools and technologies that will simplify your business life and free up hours of your work week.
- Ideas on how to add extra touches that make clients feel cherished and appreciated – another huge way to set yourself apart!
- Planning techniques and exercises that will differentiate you in your marketplace both in the eyes of consumers and other professionals who can refer clients to you